

I take a holistic approach treating many disorders and specialising in weight reduction and emotional eating.

In the 1990s I ran weight loss classes for a very well known slimming club, but quickly learnt that living with the mentality of ‘being on a diet’ was miserable and ineffective.

I went on to train in analytical hypnotherapy which gives you freedom from dieting.

Over the course of the last decade I have trained in analytical, clinical & medical hypnotherapy with Dr John Butler at HTI in London. I trained in NLP ( Neuro Linguistic Programming) with Dr Richard Bandler & Paul McKenna.

Listen to my interview on hypnotherapy – Made in the Hot Radio studio, you can listen to it by clicking here.

Weight Reduction

“Diets are the enemy of weight loss! A significant study into diets shows that the vast majority of people who come off a diet end up putting on more weight than before”  Paul McKenna

Have you ever joined a slimming club and dropped a few pounds, only to find it didn’t last and the pounds went back on quicker than they came off, plus a few extra?

How did that make you think and feel about yourself?

Did you then rush out and eat all the foods that had been forbidden on your diet?

Did it also teach to obsess about points, calories, sins, proteins carbs and/or fats?

So you then told your mind to forget about being slimmer…

Until you caught sight of yourself in a mirror or in a photo that you quickly deleted.

Recognising that you needed to lose weight, did you get back on that merry-go-round and try a new diet?

I will teach you how to use your powerful subconscious mind, which will always be far stronger than your willpower is, which is why diets don’t work!

I change how you think about food so that you easily;

  • shed weight and keep it off
  • feel free and in control
  • look slimmer
  • feel healthier and fitter
  • look and feel physically and emotionally more attractive
  • feel confident
  • become fulfilled and far happier than you were on any diet
  • and learn to enjoy food just as nature intended you to


Hypnotherapy is an extremely powerful and effective way to heal a variety of emotional and physical health issues

With many other therapies, only the symptom is addressed, so the problem often returns.

It’s like cutting back weeds, you treat the symptom and get temporary relief, but until you treat the root, they grow back.

Changing your thinking changes your behaviour which in turn changes your life

When we work together we change the meaning and the interpretation of your problem, and that changes everything

In Hypnotherapy, we become the detectives of your life, we discover all the clues that led to your unhappiness and solve the root cause of your physical and emotional issues.

If your mind created a belief your mind can uncreate it

Common Conditions

These are common conditions I treat clients for:

  • Anxiety
  • Cancer (anxiety around diagnosis and treatment)
  • Confidence
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • Emotional Upset
  • Everyday Fears 
  • Fertility & Conception
  • Insomnia
  • Low Self Worth Issues
  • Pain Control 
  • Panic Attacks
  • Phobias
  • Public Speaking
  • Relaxation
  • Self Motivation
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Sports Performance
  • Surgical Anxiety
  • Trauma
  • Weight Reduction 


Elizabeth Cass-Kanti, Greece – Weight reduction

The expression ‘life changing’ is a term so frequently used these days that it’s lost its enormity.

I have come to terms with my plus size body over the last couple of years through running. I started running to lose weight, but I reached a point where I wanted to lose weight to run. But I am 45 years old and I have been ‘on a diet’ since my teens. Just the thought of another restrictive food regime would see me reaching for a nosebag of crisps and a glass of wine. I imagined that with Donna’s help I would be able to alter my mindset and gain the necessary will power to finally stick to a diet.

That didn’t happen.

What did happen was more far reaching, more liberating and more life changing than a mental ability to ‘diet’. With the tools that Donna has given me I am freed of the shackles of the diet mentality and, without the need for an iron will, I now eat until I am satisfied rather than stuffed, choosing to eat when I am hungry and choosing foods that will nourish my body. I am steadily losing weight with no feelings of deprivation. Meals out are no longer seen as a disruption to my weight loss, I am freed by the knowledge that I won’t over indulge. Food no longer holds me to ransom.

There is no ‘diet’ and there is no fear about life after ‘the diet’.
It’s simply life changing. Enormously so.

LG, Bournemouth – Nicotine addiction

I saw Donna for help with my nicotine gum addiction. I was stock piling boxes and worrying I’d run out. In one session she cured me and I haven’t looked back or thought about it since

AH, Christchurch – FND (Functional Neurological Disorder)

Having online hypnotherapy with Donna I feel has helped change my mindset to become much more positive.

I was diagnosed with FND ten months previously. Donna helped me to realise in my first session that I could see the condition in a completely different way.

She helped me to realise that I don’t have to accept FND as a part of me. This shocked me as I hadn’t realised that was even a possibility. This reduced the symptoms.

I took this on board and have completely changed my mindset towards it. I also feel much more like I’m in control and it all made so much sense to me.

And from there we’ve worked on a positive mindset and suggestions for pregnancy.

I think we get stuck in a rut sometimes with our thoughts and I think having hypnotherapy can give you a completely different positive outlook and it’s so refreshing.

Donna is so easy to talk to and so helpful with researching and sending information or anything she thinks would be helpful for you.

And I for one have been very grateful for all her help so far! It is possible to turn a negative into a positive!

CC, Ware Hertfordshire – OCD/Anxiety

Online therapy with Donna was recommended to me by a close friend who had witnessed how much I suffered with anxiety. It came to a point where I felt so miserable I needed help.

When I spoke to Donna she listened to everything that was making me feel unwell from health anxiety to family anxiety to social anxiety ( there was a big build up after many years of putting my self on the back burner).

We went through and discussed what had triggered these problems and talked about how to manage them when they flared up and what caused them.

I started to listen to a personalised hypnotherapy session every bed time and oh my god it was the first time in years that I had slept through the night, just sleeping better helped me to feel more positive.

We then tackled my obsession with my health after a major operation, I feel a lot more relaxed about that now.

I still have moments but I remember what Donna taught me with my breathing to calm down and rational thinking. I have started putting myself first and giving my self down time and rest time and saying ‘no’ more often.

I feel a lot more confident and happy. My wedding has been postponed due to coronavirus, and this would have sent me into a whirlwind of anxiety and depression before. My friend who first encouraged me to use Donna only the other day praised me for how well I’d dealt with the change and managing the stress.

Thank you Donna I really enjoyed your soothing voice and listening to your Guidance and help on how to view things with a different mind set and in a more positive way.

LC, Poole – Smoking addiction

After many years of smoking and having (unsuccessfully) tried various ways of quitting, I wound up on Donna’s door-step. It has now been 6 weeks since I have smoked. One session with Donna was all it took. My biggest fear was putting on weight, this hasn’t happened. I believe Donna’s individualistic approach and tailored therapy is the key to success. To anyone who has tried unsuccessfully to quit… don’t give up!!! Call Donna!!!

I will be recommending Donna to all my friends. Thank you Donna for liberating me.

LF, London – Trauma & Anxiety

Donna has an incredible ability to ask the right questions to enable you to express yourself. She is also very calming and supportive, especially when facing trauma. I found Hypnosis with Donna to be very powerful and provided exactly what many other forms of therapy had not been able to.

The sessions with Donna and work taken away from these enabled me to make time for myself everyday. The accountability of listening to hypnosis recordings everyday made sure that my conscious mind was shut off for a much needed reset. As someone who has always struggled with anxiety, this was absolutely unheard of previously.

I now feel more at ease with my feelings and can understand and notice when my subconscious needs some help. I can always turn to the recordings that Donna created for me during therapy and rely on these to get me back on track. Thank you Donna for changing my outlook of life and re-establishing my vitality.

JC, Bournemouth – Flying Phobia

I went to see Donna for my phobia of flying, which was having a negative impact on my life, as I needed to drink heavily so I had the nerve to board the plane.
I had already experienced hypnosis in the past but that hadn’t been successful, so I was apprehensive.
Donna had a huge part to play in my overcoming this fear, which has resulted in me learning to fly a small plane myself!
I am now able to enjoy going away so much more!
I have recommended friends and family to Donna, as her therapy has given me freedom.

Thanks Donna!

RH, Australia – Relationship & Anxiety

Donna is an incredibly knowledgeable, talented and compassionate hypnotherapist. I have to say that her therapy and aftercare has been just incredible, eye-opening and highly effective! Extremely responsive and caring, I felt completely comfortable with Donna’s guidance through a process which was completely alien to me.

She helped me to regain my power and confidence after a very bad break up which left me shattered as well as helping me to uncover the reason why I had always struggled to feel confident in my creative abilities and talents enabling me to set up my own business. Thank you so much Donna for all your help! I would recommend Donna and her approach to anyone wanting to bring about real change. Thank you Donna! 😊

SC, Bournemouth – 2.5 stone weight reduction

I have tried slimming world, weight watchers, the grapefruit diet, F plan diet, Cabbage diet, Slim Fast and every other one you can think of… and yes they all worked but only whilst I was on them, as soon as I stopped the weight went back on and more each time.

When my son suggested going to Donna for hypnosis I thought what have I to lose!!!!!

So for my birthday he treated me, I knew he had been and she had helped over come his fear of flying. He has actually flown a light plane since.

He was getting married and knew that I was worried about the photographs… I had a year.

I have to say I have been amazed! Donna helped me to realise when my obsession with weight began, why food plays a big part of my life, and what feelings I associate with food .

I listened to the personalised hypnosis recording as instructed, and it has changed my life.

For the first time since I can remember I am not on a diet. I eat whatever I want and I have lost weight. I follow the 4 rules but no food is restricted, so food is not the first thing I think about in the morning or spend all day thinking what I can and cannot eat. I no longer crave any foods as I just eat them.

I stood at my son’s wedding, and not only looking good but for the first time in a long long time I feel amazing on the inside.

No more dieting my life had changed completely.

Thank you Donna.

LS, London – Anxiety

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your help with my anxiety.

It really was a terrible time for me until I met you, I was very close to giving up and thinking that anxiety was going to be a part of me for life. I am amazed and thrilled that such a simple approach has made such a massive improvement to my day to day life, so thank you!

I probably listened to the recording religiously for about 30 days, morning and evening, and then every so often during the day if I was having a bad moment. Now, I can’t remember the last time I listened to it or felt like I was going to have a panic attack which is fabulous.

PD, Poole – Trauma leading to anxiety

My therapy with Donna was rewarding, she is easy to talk to and put me at ease, she was very much on my side throughout which allowed the discussions to be open and frank, this allowed enormous progress to be made. Before I realised, problem areas were being joined together for me, like dots, which enlightened.

This made therapy clear and concise. When we finished, nothing really happened straight away, it was sometime after, when I noticed things starting to change, continuous change, even now I look back and things had changed. Seriously well worth the commitment, if you are ready that is.

Good luck, you’re in safe hands.

DW, Bournemouth – Anxiety following a car accident

I first started seeing Donna after I developed anxiety following a car accident. Working together, we uncovered issues through regression & I have been able to understand myself in ways I never did before. I couldn’t have got through that time without Donna’s help, care & support. She makes me feel as if I can do anything!

JC & Family, Poole

I’ve treated this family for a variety of concerns including, Fear of Flying, Weight Loss, COPD, Claustrophobia, Pregnancy, Sports Enhancement

Over the 5-6 years I have known Donna, I have recommended many people and paid for most of my immediate family to see her as well as myself, as she is so effective with her method.

I am yet to find a better starting point to aid in solving any of life’s challenges.

Don’t make the assumption that something needs to be “wrong” to see Donna, Donna is a world class facilitator in creating a better you.

CJ, Poole – Overwhelm/Anxiety

It was therapy itself just to visit Donna and witness her vibrant positive personality. Time was spent listening and assessing before the amazing hypnotherapy which was recorded to use again and again. I left the session feeling ‘ the world was my oyster’, very different to how I had arrived.

JW, Bournemouth – Migraines & three stone weight reduction

I saw Donna in Poole, initially as I suffered from migraines. She has also helped me to lose 35 lbs with very little effort and to keep it off over the last two years. What I really enjoy about this way of losing weight is that nothing is forbidden. Donna has taught me to think more about what I am eating, only eating when I’m hungry and to enjoy my food more by eating slowly.

When I first started this weight loss programme my son was getting married and I bought a dress two sizes smaller than I used to wear, and with Donna’s help I wore the dress at his wedding, I felt and looked great. I haven’t put the weight back on and I feel more energetic and I love buying SMALLER clothes, it’s a great feeling.

I have tried many diets over the years i.e. slimming world, weight watchers etc. but with very little results which didn’t last long before the weight went back on. I have no hesitation at all in recommending Donna as she is a really lovely, genuine person and makes me feel that she really cares and encourages you in every way she can.

JM, Poole – Smoking addiction

A huge thank you in helping kick my horrid smoking habit. It was 1 year on the 6th April 2013 since I first came to you and had my last cigarette. I am so glad to be rid of it. Also I have noticed that having given up several times before I know this time, using hypnotherapy, that I will definitely not be going back to it.

Thank you for all you help and support.

Rachel Gotto, Ireland – Trauma

What I loved about attending an online Hypnotherapy session with Donna was that she is very strong in her role and this made me feel safe and that I could trust that what ever came up that she could hold that therapeutic space for me to work through my issue.

She is warm, empathetic and so very obviously experienced. I had remarkable results from her therapy and the resulting transformation after listening to her bespoke audio for a month have made the investment so worthwhile. I have never felt better. Donna is a true professional and is a profoundly caring lady.

June Hudson, London – Stage fright (performance anxiety)

Hypnotherapy can instigate a major growth point at any stage in life. I met Donna in my seventies, an experienced actor and role player. I suddenly developed crippling stage fright. Fear of forgetting lines, and in the end, fear of fear itself. I had begun to think my successful career was at an end, when Donna’s hypnotherapy restored my confidence. My fears vanished. It was truly remarkable, a miracle really.

Donna’s serene and charismatic therapy was a revelation of how a whole life can be changed. I am convinced there are no boundaries of what can be achieved in personal development with her help

GL – Ware Hertfordshire – Weight Reduction/Life Coaching for Career

I found this type of therapy was so good for me as Donna makes sure you’re totally relaxed and makes you feel safe. I felt a little apprehensive as I’d had other therapy previously which I felt made me more anxious going to sessions as my mind would go blank!

So I was a little anxious to try this type of therapy. Instantly my anxieties went away when I met Donna as she is very kind, approachable and trustworthy. I found it so much easier to talk and feel relaxed, and it has really helped me to understand and have a better relationship with myself.

I’ve managed to lose and keep off 3 stone since and I’ve reached goals in my life I’d never dreamed of.

NB, Dorset – Anxiety/Depression/OCD leading to Trichotillomania (hair pulling)

Donna works intuitively.

Asking the right questions to help you discover your own feelings and is a powerful listener who picks up on points that I hadn’t even noticed were significant

Afterwards my body and mind feels so relaxed, a similar effects as a massage or spa day. You feel like you are floating on a cloud.

I loved having face to face sessions with Donna because she has created a wonderful space in her therapy room and being in Donna’s presence is such a pleasure however since lockdown I have been having video call hypnotherapy sessions and I have been amazed at how effective they are. Donna’s positive, warm and vibrant energy still shines through and you feel like you are actually in her presence. I have found that a massive benefit of having video calls is that I can be in the comfort of my own home and not have to drive to/from an appointment, which has enabled me to just relax and enjoy the deep relaxation that follows a session with Donna for longer as I don’t need to drive home afterwards now.

The sessions helped to shift my perspective and outlook to a more positive one.

Listening to daily recordings really helps create lasting change.

Donna creates a supportive environment where you feel you can say anything and access any emotion, she listens intensely and picks up on everything you say and incorporates personal wordings in her recordings so that they really resonate with you on a deep level.

Over many years I have tried many, many different therapies and therapists and it wasn’t until I began working with Donna that I have really been able to make positive and lasting changes to my mental health with my anxiety, depression and OCD and low self esteem. Donna is an incredibly talented, experienced, well qualified and passionate therapist who really does her research and ensures she is at the top of her game. Since I began working with Donna I have finally found a therapist that really works for me and whenever issues arise in my life and I need the extra support I will always go back to Donna for sessions.

DM, Oxford – Smoking addiction

I was a smoker. I met Donna. I am a non smoker. It was as easy as that. I wasn’t expecting it to work but after the session I had already moved on. The next chapter in my life, as a non smoker.

She offers on-going support as well. A therapist that goes ‘the extra mile’. A lovely lady to boot! I am so glad that I met her.

DF, Poole – Trauma PTSD

Donna has helped me feel more like ‘me’ again.

The trauma work we did together has helped massively with my anxiety so I am able to enjoy my life again.

Donna inspires & motivates me, I don’t feel like a client or a “patient” as Donna really take the time to understand how I feel & why. Her support, guidance & kindness is invaluable.

NP, Poole – Childhood Trauma & Anxiety PTSD

My first session with Donna made me feel lifted and lighter. I wasn’t sure how I would take to hypnosis but Donna was very friendly and made me feel relaxed, I could feel the negative energy realise from my body on my first session with Donna.

I really like that you get to have a long chat at the beginning and talk things through together and then Donna will pick out the main issues and you don’t have to keep going if the same problems. I have really taken away a feeling of control over my mind from seeing Donna, it’s been life-changing.

JF, Bournemouth – Childhood Trauma leading to Anxiety in adulthood

I have seen Donna a few times for sessions over the last few years. As a therapist myself I am very careful who I choose to treat me and I will only entrust myself to someone of the highest quality and who not only knows their stuff but gets results.

Donna has an excellent intuitive intelligence and gets to the heart of the matter quickly and is able to find a solution which she uses during the hypnotherapy sessions and the recording afterwards. She is confident and makes the person feel safe and listened to.

My experiences with Donna have always been wonderful and helped immensely in shifting me from old patterns and releasing negative emotions. With so many hypnotherapists out there it’s not easy to choose. I have no hesitation in recommending Donna as a highly experienced, intuitive and friendly therapist that will help with your problem!

SW, Surrey – Childhood trauma leading to anxiety in adulthood

Therapy with Donna is like going on a wild adventure with the most experienced tour guide in the world! There are perilous times and moments of sublime relaxation and all the while she is there with her un-ending range of skills to support, guide and deliver you. In one (long) session alone we mounted the summit of a lifetime issue that over 3 years of psychotherapy had never come near.

Donna takes time to really understand who you are and what is the best approach for you rather than applying a one size fits all approach. She is holistic in her delivery and offers practical solutions as well as ‘traditional therapy’

Gentle, fierce, leading and listening – Donna has it all. Thank you.

JH, Poole – Overwhelm and self worth issues

Donna is wonderful to work with, she is compassionate and caring.

Donna is calming and makes you feel so relaxed, by the end of a few weeks session she feels more like a friend than your therapist.

I still use her techniques for my wellbeing, most nights, which helps me sleep well.

I have happily recommended Donna to friends and family who have had different issues such as phobias or addictions.

Meeting with Donna is relaxing and stressless.

I came away from a session feeling so much better!

SH, London – Weight reduction & dealing with abusive relationship

I saw Donna in London to lose weight. During her therapy she uncovered buried emotional problems which were making me unhappy and unable to control my eating.

I gained a whole new perspective and a positive view of myself and life. It seemed like Donna opened a window and the sun came in. It was truly wonderful how good it felt. An emotionally abusive relationship lost its power. I now feel able to control my life, stand tall and be myself. Thank you Donna, your therapy transformed my life. I listen to the recording you made for me, which is a lovely calming experience. Until now, I would never have believed it possible to change my life so much for the better

SH – Driving Test Nerves

Donna helped me prepare mentally for my driving test in December 2019, as I was suffering from anxiety.

My Mum recommended her.

I felt really calm and I passed 1st time!

JH, London – Anxiety

Donna was recommended to me by a friend and I wasn’t sure what to expect but seeing Donna was the best thing I have ever done. She was very understanding of my issues, highly professional and most importantly she speaks total sense and has helped give me clarity about why I suffer with my anxiety issues.

I have also come away with a toolkit of exercises and techniques to use in order to cope with difficult situations. Donna is caring and followed up with texts and calls to check in on me and see how I was getting on. After every call or session I came away feeling on top of the world and I could see the world for what it is. I would highly recommend anyone to see Donna with any issues you are struggling with

HC, Poole – Claustrophobia Anxiety positive mindset for Pregnancy

Donna is truly amazing!
She’s friendly, approachable and instantly makes you feel at ease.

I have seen Donna for numerous areas in my life over the years from
Claustrophobia… I can now lock a toilet door and get in a lift!
A fear of driving outside my home town alone… I can now wizz up-to London as I please.

A crippling anxiety I have carried since a child…. I now feel a freedom in my life I didn’t think was possible!

And more recently working on conceiving and pregnancy….. I fell pregnant extremely quickly and am now 20 weeks pregnant, I have never felt more relaxed happy and content in my life!

Donna has transformed my life over the years from a highly strung perfectionist control freak, a doing everything for everyone anxious kinda girl to a laid back, relaxed content go with the flow person.

It’s truly amazing. I still get everything done and have high standards I’ve just dropped the pointless stressing and anxiety I used to carry along with it!

I always say to all my friends, family and clients EVERYBODY needs a bit of Donna in their lives! She has a gift and we’re lucky enough that she wants to share it with us.


Please email me to find out more and to discuss fees.

Each hypnotherapy session includes a personalised recording. Each client is an individual and this is tailored to their specific needs.

The recording is listened to for 21 days after the session because the brain learns through repetition.

Donna Kenny is a Registered & Accredited Practitioner of the General Hypnotherapy Standards Committee (GHSC) and a member of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)


Please contact me via email for any queries you may have.


I run my in-person clinics in Central London and Cornwall. I work with clients on Zoom worldwide.

Cornish Retreats

Coming Soon!

Cornish Wellbeing Residential Retreats planned from Spring/Summer 2022

Located at The Rame Peninsular, known as the Jewel of Cornwall, just over the border from Devon in SE Cornwall.

Email hello@donnakennytherapy.com for further info.

Just 3.5 hours direct from London
(Paddington to St. Germans via Great Western Railway)